Wednesday, August 28, 2002


Is the Chancellor not listening to us? What on earth is he talking about when he proclaims his surprise that it seems it is no longer American policy to pursue futile UN inspections and instead we want to overthrow Saddam Hussein? Schroeder and the other Euros have been protesting an invasion so much that they seem to have forgotten why they are protesting so much. Yes, we will attack and overthrow Saddam Hussein.

But Euro hope springs eternal. According to the article:

European governments, including America 's closest ally, Britain , have emphasized international pressure, including the threat of force, to make Iraq comply with United Nations resolutions and to allow unfettered arms inspections.

But the constant surrender offers by the Euros tell Saddam that the threat of force will always be just that—a threat. And given the enthusiasm of Euros protesting our planned invasion, the threat is not even taken seriously. At least not a European threat. What are they going to do to the Iraqis, bleed on them? Honestly, for a continent that likes to lecture us on our simplicity, their ignorance of the basic requirements of making somebody believe your threats is mind boggling. I’d sooner expect bunnies and kittens to drop from C-130s and topple Saddam.

Our threat is real because we will invade. The Euros would convene a conference or something and maybe, after 6 months of study, mildly reproach Iraq. And then sign a ten-year, $20 billion trade agreement.

For the last time, no, we will not be satisfied with sham inspections that rely on the good will of UN inspectors and the good will and cooperation of Saddam Hussein.

Are we clear on this? Remember Euros,you are protesting because you are unhappy we will invade Iraq. Understand? Oh, and we will win and save your hides too. You will be possibly even more unhappy about that development. We are clear on that point.

Oh, and one more thing: we will remember that you seem more concerned about Saddam’s fate than ours.

On to Baghdad.