Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Monday Was a Good Day

I was on vacation in Toronto Canada until today. I did a lot of walking and sight-seeing and enjoying fine domestic beer.

I also enjoyed the hospitality of the Canadian health care system. I only mention this because I'm not sure what my diagnosis will mean for the future. I intend to post, but I will have more pressing matters to attend to in the foreseeable future. So posting may be sparse. Or, I may go right on ranting. Just don't know.

But things seem to work out--like being a block from a hospital when I realized I really needed to see a doctor fast. So I got that going for me. As I said to the doctor when he asked how I was doing, any day you walk out of an emergency room on your own two feet is a good day.

I'm not going to write about this. This is a foreign policy and defense blog and so it is irrelevant to what I am writing. But if my output does go down, I figure I owe an explanation.

I anticipate writing for a long time at whatever the rate. As I said, Monday was a good day.

UPDATE: Wednesday is even better. No worries after I saw my doctor. I should recover fully in a matter of weeks. So perhaps I was just being a wussy. Or is that Wussy-American? Or Person With Wussiness, to be perfectly PC about it. But cut me some slack. I was diagnosed with Bell's Palsy. That's Palsy. They didn't call it Bell's Boo Boo. Or Bell's Ouchy. I've heard of exactly one palsy and it didn't exactly inspire me with confidence. Adding Bell's to it didn't make it sound any better. Especially when I'm thinking of a son to take care of and wondering how this will impact him. Or driving 70 miles to work each way.

But no worries. I'm sure I'll compulsively post as always. Really, only a hot chick and a fifth of bad gin could save me from a future of offering my opinions to whoever wishes to read them.

And if I don't fully recover, at worst I'll have a lopsided smile. Then I'll grow a Michael Totten evil goatee and finally get a shot at those minions I've always wanted.