Wednesday, June 04, 2014

Mathematical Certitude

The Obama administration is sure that trading 5 deadly al Qaeda leaders in exchange for one of our soldiers is a fine deal. We shouldn't worry about the terrorists released into Qatari custody escaping and seeking to kill Americans.

Why? It's the math, stupid.

One in six Gitmo releasee returns to terrorism.

The Obama administration only released five terrorists.

Ipso facto, the sixth who would return to terrorism remains in custody.

UPDATE: I know the president's defenders keep bringing up the fact that Bush released hundreds of detainees. Screaming "Buuuuusshhhh!!" never gets old, eh?

One, they were lower level terrorists. I thought one of the defenses of President Obama's failure to honor his promise to immediately close Guantanamo Bay during his first year in office was that the hard cases are the ones remaining. I guess not.

And two, not very many war supporters backed their release. Do you really think President Bush would have released nearly as many if not for the constant attacks by our Left and the international so-called human rights lobbies to release those poor captive poets languishing under conditions of cruel and unusual rice pilaf?