Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Shaping the Battlefield

The Chinese government seems to be preparing their people for ... something (tip to Instapundit):

"A recently implemented rule has effectively curbed the ‘excessive entertainment’ trend as two-thirds of the entertainment programs on China's 34 satellite channels have been cut, according to the country's top broadcasting watchdog. ‘The total number of entertainment shows airing during primetime every week has been reduced to 38 from 126 at the end of 2011, marking a 69 percent plunge as the new rule came into effect on Jan. 1,’ said a statement issued Tuesday (3 January) by the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television (SARFT).

Basically, Chinse government-approved propaganda programming will increase.

With anti-government unrest abroad, the global economy on the edge, America pivoting to Asia, and a political transition pending, China seems like it wants to make sure its people are in a proper frame of mind to endure change of one sort or another and stick with the government as it moves through all these changes.

So what are the Chinese rulers worried about?

UPDATE: Thanks to Stones Cry Out for the link.