Tuesday, March 09, 2021


Who knew royals could be victims, short of regicide?

Can we say this Cult of Victimhood BS has finally gone too far? From ordained by God to rule to poor little privileged me. Sigh. Where was a figurative Red Wedding when we needed it?

Still, maybe we should think of Princess Meghan as America's revenge for the British burning of Washington, D.C. in the War of 1812.

The CIA should spread that rumor around to show enemies we are patient to exact our vengeance. But when we strike, it hurts.

UPDATE: It's satire:

In an explosive interview with Oprah, former Duchess of Sussex Meghan Markle inspired millions of young girls around the world with the very important message that no matter how rich, famous, and powerful they are, they will always be oppressed.

But it isn't.