Monday, March 08, 2021

I Do Not Like Him, Woke I Spoke

For God's sake people, grow up on Dr. Seuss

By all means don't absorb the man's old views on race and ethnicity. He reflected his society in that time. Some of the illustrations are in fact repugnant. Our society isn't like that any more and that's good. 

Sometimes I think efforts to erase the past are part of a design to deny the tremendous progress America has made. Don't be too harsh about Dr. Seuss. You would not stand against that societal pressure no matter what you think.

Few people are that guy:


Dr. Seuss's children's books are good and should not be thrown out with the bigotry water. Maybe a preface to provide some context for the era's long-abandoned norms should be added rather than memory holing the books for some of their imagery. Heck, put the problem images in an appendix in the back and replace the problem drawings in the main text.

Oh, for bonus material, Dr. Seuss was a liberal Democrat. Today's woke Red Guards should know even they aren't safe from the future guardians of all that is pure and good.  

Democracy dies in wokeness.