Friday, December 12, 2008

To the Shores of Somalia

The United States is proposing to the UN a plan to go after the pirates in Somalia in a full-court press:

The U.S. is proposing to track down Somali pirates not only at sea, but on land and in Somalian air space with cooperation from the African country's weak U.N.-backed government.

So far the international effort has been defensive only, and restricted to the seas. Yet piracy is up:

But now the U.S. believes the fight must go ashore.

The proposal?

It proposes that for a year, nations "may take all necessary measures ashore in Somalia, including in its airspace, to interdict those who are using Somali territory to plan, facilitate or undertake acts of piracy and armed robbery at sea and to otherwise prevent those activities."

Perhaps we'll get that Operation Torch I've been talking about, after all.

I mean, as long as we're ashore I assume we won't check ID so we could very well kill lots of jihadis in addition to killing, dispersing, and discouraging the pirates.