Monday, January 07, 2008

Once More, With Feeling

Now Madeleine Albright, the worst secretary of state in my living memory, is lecturing on our foreign policy?

We have been told to be afraid so that we might be less protective of our Constitution, less mindful of international law, less respectful toward allies, less discerning in our search for truth and less rigorous in questioning what our leaders tell us. We have been exhorted by the White House to embrace a culture of fear that has driven and narrowed our foreign policy while poisoning our ability to communicate effectively with others.

Forgive me if I don't go through her alternative perspective of reality. There has been a veritable Parade of Idiots lately and I'm just darned tired of defending what actually happened one more time. I'm not so much amazed that such rot can get published but that the authors can dress themselves each morning. Go read the others, here, here, here, here, here, and here, if you wish. It isn't like she has an innovative or new thought to add to the ritual slaughter of reality that her fellow authors have already committed.

My God, she's a doddering fool, a cynical power seeker, or a shameless liar. Or all three, I admit. Why limit her capacity for sheer wretched awfulness?