Monday, December 12, 2005

Protect Islam by Killing the Jihadis

I've been continually frustrated at the ability of the Guardians of Cultural Sensitivity to lash out at anybody who notes that our enemies seem to come from Islam. They seem to argue:

Why, Islam is a religion of peace! How dare you malign an entire religion? You encourage violence against all Moslems by even uttering the word "Islam" when discussing who we fight! And they have real grievances anyway so who are we to condemn them?

Those who deny we have an Islamic enemy pretend they are protecting Moslems, but they are fooling themselves. Naming our enemies as coming from Islam does not condemn an entire religion. Indeed, it helps protect the larger religion. Wretchard puts it well:

I've been warning about this for some time now, both with respect to the torture debate and in an old post called the Three Conjectures. Like most people in Oz, I have Muslim or Middle Eastern friends and the way I got it figured is if we don't start cracking down on the Osamas and the Zawahiris and the al-Arians because they are draped in this bogus human rights shield, then the Joe Samadis and the Bill Mansours of the world are gonna start catching it. What's the use of being innocent if the guilty go scot free? One day if a nuke goes off in Sydney or Manhattan all the bets are off.

I get a little emotional sometimes watching these peacenik types defend blatant murderers because by frustrating justice they are building up tectonic pressures that will go snap one day, and it won't be their necks at the end of a rope. What the world needs isn't the fake sympathy of the Euro-human rights crowd but justice. They should remember that in the absence of justice there is only revenge.
Remember, people can see that people who are Moslem are killing us in the most horrible fashion they can think of and dream of doing it on a mass scale.

If ordinary people are told again and again that we have no enemy drawn from Islam, then the fact that Islamic enemies keep killing us will lead ordinary people to logically conclude that all Islam is guilty. If we can't accurately define the subgroup we fight because it will offend all Moslems, isn't the logical conclusion that all Moslems support the terrorists?

Naming our enemy localizes anger to focus on the actual enemy. Denying we have enemies who are Islamic paints the entire religion as guilty.

So who is the sensitive side, really?