
Sunday, August 11, 2024

Weekend Data Dump

I started regular The Dignified Rant: Evolved posting on Substack. Please subscribe. I will continue posting here on TDR seven days a week, including Weekend Data Dump and Winter War of 2022.

Ah, we've gotten to the point of poverty and oppression where Venezuela under Maduro isn't "true socialism."  Socialist countries built on looting what free markets created always start out promising.

So all those Arabs are cool with letting Persian Iran fight Israel to the last Arab? "The commander of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) has threatened Israel with a broad counterstrike from allied militias in the region." Israel will make them pay.

Putin's Nuke Monkey strayed from his usual mass murder talk: "Former Kremlin leader Dmitry Medvedev issued threats on Sunday to former Russian political prisoners who were released into exile as part of a prisoner exchange with the West." How conservatives forgot why we must defeat Russia escapes me. 

I'd rather Germany build the capacity to capture Kaliningrad, but sure: "The Philippines and Germany agreed a new defense deal Sunday as Manila seeks to bolster its diplomatic support to counter Beijing’s vast maritime claims in the South China Sea."

Guam to get its first Virginia-class nuclear-powered attack submarine. This class will eventually replace the five Los Angeles-class boats that have been home-ported there.

Russia has to pay for its war on its own. And while China denies it, China sells munitions to Russia. I think China refused when it seemed like Ukraine would win. After Ukraine's 2023 counteroffensive failed, China wants to hedge its bets with military aid. Western failure to help Ukraine win has consequences.

Via Instapundit, does Mexico have any level of control in northern Mexico? "The Mexican army acknowledged for the first time Friday that some of its soldiers have been killed by bomb-dropping drones operated by drug cartels." Paging General Pershing. I mean, eventually I'll be right ...

Even the "most advanced air wing" in the Navy won't do much from a burning--or fleeing--hulk. Although it is nice to see the capabilities of the AIM-54 Phoenix restored by the AIM-174B air-to-air missile.

Sh*t got real: "A published US Army intel analysis makes the key observation that any future 'Large Scale Combat Operation' with either Russia or China is expected to happen in either the European or Pacific theater, areas requiring a massive, secure and extended logistical effort." Make it so. Okay Navy?

Sh*t got real: "Buoyed by an increase in recruiting, the Army will expand its basic combat training in what its leaders hope reflects a turning point as it prepares to meet the challenges of future wars." Fort Wood is one of two bases that will get additional basic training companies. Ah, the Demons of E-3-10!

The U.S. wants "more M109A7 Self-Propelled Howitzers (SPH) and M992A3 Ammunition Carriers[.]" The God of War is pleased

Conveniently near the South China Sea: "Northern Australia played host to two major multilateral military exercises in July — and the U.S. Marine Corps was in the thick of the action for both." It was a long journey for the Marines.

Another long journey: "The Pentagon’s joint program office for the missile defense of Guam is waiting on fiscal 2024 funding to be reprogrammed from elsewhere in the budget to help pay for its efforts to build an architecture to defend the key U.S. territory in the Pacific." Very long.

The "coup" is disbelieving fraudulent election results: "Venezuelan dictator Nicolás Maduro told military brass and soldiers yesterday that his government is 'pulverizing an attempted coup.'" Nobody will help Venezuelans. Only the people of Venezuela can save themselves. Will troops shoot and kill civilians?

The host is dying but the parasite won't be denied: "Pakistan's jailed former prime minister, Imran Khan, who blames the military for his ouster and 12-month-old imprisonment on what he calls trumped-up charges, said on Sunday it would be 'foolish' not to have 'excellent' relations with the army."

SPOILER ALERT: The shoal is indisputably in the Philippines' EEZ: "China's coast guard said it was monitoring Philippine patrol and fishing vessels that have gathered around the contested Sabina Shoal, citing China's 'indisputable sovereignty' over the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea."

Say, about that "siege" of Gaza: "Israel Defense Forces discovered a large tunnel that is big enough to allow vehicles to pass through on the border between Gaza and Egypt, officials said Sunday." Yeah, Israel isn't giving up that border. 

I respect CDR Salamander and have linked to him a number of times. And when he defends the value of our carriers against critics by citing Navy deployments in the current Middle East crises, I agree with him. But he's really defending the power projection role. The sea control role is the problem and weakness.

Last week I wondered how we convinced Russia not to further arm the Houthi. Is this our side of a bargain?

That seems like a big deal: "Myanmar’s military regime acknowledged Monday it had lost communications with the commanders of a strategically important army headquarters in the northeast, adding credence to a militia group’s claims it had captured the base."

If we ever have to attack Russian ground forces given half a year to prepare, we'll need more: "On Thursday, the Army test-fired a Mine Clearing Line Charge from a specially rigged M113 personnel carrier."

I'm old enough to remember being excited about that brand new carrier, first of its class: "The USS Nimitz (CVN-68), the U.S. Navy's oldest in-service aircraft carrier, is preparing for one of its final deployments before decommissioning in 2026."

Axis of Weasels: "A Yemeni drone specialist who had traveled to Iraq to train other Iranian-backed fighters was among those killed in a U.S. airstrike near Baghdad last week[.]" Weasel Prime should be in our cross hairs. But too many in our government think the mullahs are our friend.

Released rather than turned over for prosecution? "[The UN ended its investigation of Israeli allegations that UNRWA] in Gaza, participated in the Oct. 7 Hamas invasion of southern Israel after determining that nine of 19 accused 'may have been involved in the attack. The nine have been fired [per the UN.]"

India isn't spending enough on defense to cope with China while nuclear-armed Pakistan nips at its ankles.

Ukraine's strategic warfare campaign inside Russia

Ukraine's Black Sea War.

Anti-immigrant feelings--in South Africa.

The Air Force will link its aircraft to the DAF Battle Network. Good. Options expand when sensors and shooters are separate.

Another Iran-sponsored attack on America: "The Iraqi security official told Al-Ain News that five missiles launched by armed groups supported by Iran targeted Ain Al-Asad airbase, where the international coalition forces led by the United States are stationed." 

Right back at you, Ivan: "A top Russian official told Ukraine on Tuesday that the longer it waited to enter peace talks, the tougher the terms would be for its people."

Ah, mullah-run Iran: "A Pakistani national with purported ties to Iran was arrested last month on charges he plotted to assassinate former President Donald Trump and multiple other public officials[.]" We'd destroy Iran's navy if we were a serious country. But no. Tip to Instapundit. 

I'd say Palestinians need to change and reject Hamas, but the world is changing to accept Hamas: "Hamas considers these dead civilians as involuntary martyrs to the cause and continues to show a callous disregard for the many Palestinian civilians killed as Hamas pursues its own goals."

Corruption really undermined China's ability to invade Taiwan or fight for any duration. Lack of spare parts and inoperable missiles are highlights. The new car smell was misleading. And Xi did not know. But it might be good enough for CCP work. China's problems are no reason to ignore our problems.

Good: "The U.S. and Australia announced new agreements on basing and building weapons together Tuesday, part of an attempt to cement the Biden administration’s strategy in the region." More here. It includes the beginning of U.S. Army prepositioning of equipment and materiel.

America can't let its military or allies run out of ammunition. Roger that

Those seem like obvious objectives for a separate Space Force: "US Space Command’s top priorities for fiscal 2027 include 'space fires' to enable 'space superiority,' and 'enhanced battlespace awareness' capabilities, according to its top officer, Gen. Stephen Whiting." I will patiently await SMOD.

The Army will complete its air and missile defense strategy by October 2025. Actual air and missile defenses to follow?

At least Turkey hasn't yet submitted a formal bid to join Hamas' genocidal war against Israel: "Turkey on Wednesday formally submitted its bid to join South Africa's genocide case against Israel over the Gaza war at the International Court of Justice (ICJ)[.]"

Fail Britannia.

Israel caused China to fail in its effort to make Hamas the leader of the Palestinians? Which would have strengthened Iran. Fascinating complements to America's weird efforts to crown the Palestinians the Queen of the Victim Prom and elevate Iran's regional role.

America is still being urged to pivot to Asia and away from Europe and the Middle East to protect Taiwan. The endless pivot to nowhere can't continue without dismissing the need to defend Taiwan. That said, obviously we shouldn't have a "no retreat" policy that wins or loses a war with China at Taiwan.

More American bombers to deploy to Australia: "The U.S. is finalizing an agreement to increase its aircraft presence, particularly its bombers, in Australia, part of a raft of developments the two countries discussed during the U.S.-Australia Ministerial Consultations on Aug. 6."

Huh? "Preparing to help defend Israel from attacks by Iran, the Houthi rebels, and the Lebanese Hezbollah, the U.S. Navy is deploying a large number of warships around the Middle East. The problem is that these deployments are incompatible with the effective deterrence of China." Um, cutting off its oil?

Sh*t got real: "Some 'single' soldiers who ship out to South Korea will now need to spend two years on the peninsula rather than one, the Army said in a recent force-wide message."

When futurists write they often insist that while the nature of war doesn't change, the character of war--how it is fought--does. True enough. But so often their future sure seems to slide easily into the nature of war. Where bad leadership doesn't count. It does. Really. I have a post scheduled on the article discussed.

Russia's Orlan-10 drone lives on despite sanctions and age.

Via Instapundit, is California, the fifth largest economy if a country, going broke? Dunno. But its financial problems are interesting when you consider that a comparable economy--Britain's--also has the burden of $80 billion defense spending, too. Or maybe Britain is in worse financial condition. Just interesting to me.

Britain: We don't need a Constitution to protect the rights of citizens. We have tradition, you upstart colonials! Also Britain. Now it only has a long-standing tradition of existence. For now.

A freedom of navigation operation in the South China Sea with American, Japanese, Australian, and Philippines warships.

Oh? "Surrounded by deep waters east and west and weak neighbors north and south, America is largely invulnerable to attack." Only because we work at it. We are largely invulnerable because we prevent enemies from mobilizing the resources of Eurasia. Remember when Europe wasn't friendly?

As long as manned carrier aircraft aren't obsolete, large reusable drones for carriers are fine. And may extend a carrier's reach to increase their survivability.

A three-hour tour. In orbit. Tip to Instapundit. 

Until Gaza: "The U.S. Army, every few years, would break out a series of pontoons and boats and practice creating a pier where none existed before to land vehicles and cargo. It usually went pretty well, and it almost never generated any attention." But did political considerations override operating standards?

Anti-access/area denial: "In June, Romania announced an estimated $2.7 billion expansion and modernization project at [Mihail Kogalniceanu Air Base] that includes construction of a new runway, a guard tower and additional hangars to house existing and future equipment." A Black Sea Turkey Shoot.

Huh: "The Houthi forces who have been attacking shipping in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden lack a center of gravity, making for deterrence by U.S and partner forces difficult, the commander of U.S. naval forces in the Middle East said in a webinar." Really? Don't deter! And of course they have a center of gravity.

That's a good sign despite Iranian influence: "Five individuals were arrested in connection with a rocket attack on an air base in western Iraq earlier this week that injured four U.S. troops and a defense contractor, the Pentagon confirmed Thursday." Iran's influence is a reason to fight harder--not retreat.

The war on Russia's trucks: "The Ukrainian war on Russian supply trucks continues. NATO supplies area-attack missiles to attack lots where Russian trucks are parked. Ukrainian partisans and civilians rarely miss an opportunity to sabotage Russian trucks."

#WhyRussiaCan'tHaveNiceThings: "Since the Cold War began 75 years ago and ended 23 years ago, Russian disinformation efforts have sought to portray NATO as an evil and duplicitous plot against Russia." That's working out just swell

When people worry about a full-scale war between Iran and Israel, what do they mean? They lack a common border so any war is via the air, infiltration, proxies, or abroad in third countries or international waters.

An additional American military aid package for Ukraine. Good. But still no additional armored combat vehicles.

Mission accomplished! "Russia has already lost in Ukraine." Not so fast, sparky. Yes, Russia's military reputation is as tattered as its military. And NATO is alerted. But Ukraine can still lose, too. And if Ukraine loses, Russia will recover faster.

Huh: "U.S. forces have launched roughly 800 missiles and seven rounds of air strikes against the Iran-backed Houthi rebels that have controlled Yemen since November in what has become the most sustained military campaign by American forces since the anti-ISIS air war[.]" Sustained? Prolonged? Whatever.

About that center of gravity the Houthi supposedly lack: "Speaking at a virtual event on Wednesday, Vice Adm. George Wikoff, commander of Naval Forces Central Command, said the Houthis are well armed and have strong and consistent supply lines into Iran, 'and are looking for a reason to use it.'"

The world is going from flinging panties at USVs to flinging money at them: "The uncrewed surface vessel (USV) market is on track for explosive growth, with projections indicating it will reach $2.5bn by 2034." I say they aren't silver bullets, but part of a complete breakfast!

The enemy of my enemy is my friend: "Crew of Philippine and Vietnamese vessels blasted a boat with water cannon and simulated a search and rescue on Friday, in the first such joint exercises between coast guards of two countries that have faced off with Beijing in the South China Sea."

I doubt this is a diversion for the Kursk operation: "Ukrainian special forces conducted an amphibious raid on the Russian-occupied Kinburn Spit in the Black Sea, killing about 30 Russian soldiers and destroying six armored vehicles, Ukraine's military intelligence said on August 9." Just business as usual.

The Houthi have switched to suicide USVs. China only pays a quarter of the elevated insurance rates of other civilian ships transiting the area.

Making battlefield mistakes at the speed of AI.

This time for sure for intervention in Haiti! "Parts of Port-au-Prince are showing signs of life again: On the once-desolate Boulevard Toussaint Louverture, a young couple could be seen hugging one recent afternoon. Down the street, a group of men danced as Bob Marley’s 'One Love' came on the radio."

I assume the objective is range rather than speed: "The U.S. Army is slated to begin evaluating a hypervelocity projectile for the service’s artillery systems in 2025 ... as a potential munition for eliminating cheaper targets, rather than using high-end missiles for the same mission[.]"

No worries. The fire is global and will melt the Arctic: "U.S. Coast Guard presence in the Arctic has taken another hit. Icebreaker Healy suffered an engineering compartment fire at the end of July during its annual summer Arctic patrol."

As we watch the Houthi target practice in the Red Sea continue, Yemen's civil war is unresolved and jihadis still have sanctuary in Yemen territory

This alarms Europe--not intimidates it: "Russia planned a series of assassinations and attacks on facilities involved with manufacturing weapons and munitions for Ukrainian forces. Americans and European intelligence nations detected these plans and did so early enough to disrupt Russian efforts[.]"

Russian vehicle losses force Russia to improvise. If they work, they work.  

As war between Iran and Israel in Lebanon where Iran's proxy Hezbollah is dug in and prepared to bombard Israel looms, this 2008 U.S. Army Combined Arms Center paper on the 2006 war might be of interest.