Thursday, April 17, 2014

A Simple Reason Those Ranchers Aren't Terrorists

Senator Reid (D-Bizzaroworld) says that the Nevada ranchers in a land dispute are domestic terrorists. Reid obviously doesn't believe that and I can conclusively demonstrate why.

I may not have a strong opinion on the Nevada rancher issue, but pushing back against an intrustive federal government is not a major sin in my book.

Although the idea that the land isn't federal is kind of silly. I admit that whether or not a state should have so much of its land under the control of the federal government is a good question. I leave it to others to tackle the specific land issues.

But really?

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is calling armed backers of a Nevada rancher "domestic terrorists" for using guns in a grazing rights battle with the federal Bureau of Land Management.

Don't be silly. Those people can't be "terrorists." If they were, Reid and his ilk would be wringing their hands while asking endlessly, "why do they hate us?"

If Reid and his allies really thought that the ranchers were terrorists, they'd be called the "ranchers of peace" and Reid would be directing cowboy poetry funding their way.

Heck, President Obama would probably give a big speech in Cheyenne, Wyoming, billed as an "outreach to the plains people."

And of course, the Council of American Independent Ranchers (CAIR) would be invited to sit in on every discussion of federal land policy.

That's why I know Reid doesn't actually believe the ranchers are terrorists.

I guess if it had been called "Occupy Bunkerville," and the protesters just stopped bathing while living in tents, the ranchers would have gotten better press coverage.