
Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Accountability Flows Downhill, Apparently

If our military and civilian leaders haven't admitted they were defeated in Afghanistan, how can we learn to win the next time we fight?

CDR Salamander relived the horror of our Afghanistan Skedaddle Debacle

Even the most die hard Biden partisan should be demanding the resignation of the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Defense, and the National Security Advisor. In another age, they would have all resigned already - but we don’t live in that age. 

I was horrified. It was the first time I've felt in my bones that America had been defeated. Worse, our leaders had the audacity to try to spin our retreat as a spectacular success.

And I too was eager for accountability:

Our flag officers who seemingly blow with the left-wing political winds need to be purged after the Afghanistan debacle with an old fashioned Roman "decimation". There is hope from the ranks of the military leaders who actually fight.

Yet even three years later, defeat is still an opportunity for profit

Don't expect a mere commission to provide senior leadership accountability. Accountability is for the little people standing guard around an airport perimeter at the ass end of nowhere.

NOTE: TDR Winter War of 2022 coverage continues here.

NOTE: I'm adding updates on the Last Hamas War in this post.

NOTE: I'm now on Substack, with The Dignified Rant: Evolved.