
Thursday, December 29, 2022

Bad Military Leadership is Weakening Our Military

The military is a unique institution that requires its members to kill--and die--as a natural part of its mission. Senior officers acting as if the American military is just a big bureaucracy in need of woke Environmental, Social, and Governance compliance officers is a path to self-destruction. For the good of our country we need a vigorous decimation of our flag officers.

Our woke flag officers have politicized our military

Yes, [our senior officers should deflect political questions to the civilian realm and focus on the core functions of their military profession]. However, in the last few years we have seen the most senior uniformed members of the military from the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Milley, USA and the Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral Gidlay, USN happily jump forward to weigh hip deep in to the most divisive domestic political cultural war topics – specifically racial essentialism.

While Schake does mention this later in the article obliquely, it is important to understand when in front of the people’s elected representatives, Milley expended substantial institutional and personal capital arguing about how critical it was to his job to understand, “white rage.”

Gilday on multiple occasions promoted and defended the cancerous racial essentialism of Ibram X. Kendi. Taking that example from his boss, the Chief of Naval Personnel let one of the worst kept secrets out and, well, let’s let him speak for himself and the institution he serves.

I've been upset with active and retired senior officers interjecting views on political issues; and I'm unhappy that politicians hide behind military leaders for political decisions. This dynamic hasn't raised the trustworthiness of politicians but has lowered the trustworthiness of our officers.

Politicians are expected to be untrustworthy. Our officers should have better judgment given the trust we've placed in them. But no, our military leadership sees many substitutes for victory

Damn them to Hell for undermining fine institutions we desperately need to protect America. We must purge their ranks

Now to be fair, a major problem is bureaucratic bloat that burdens combat unit leaders and distracts them from preparing to fight. If not wokeness, other BS would infiltrate the military, demanding paperwork that leaches combat capacity.

And yeah, we specifically need accountability for the American defeat in Afghanistan that the Biden administration pretends was a glorious achievement. We did not need to lose that war.

We will lose more wars if our senior officers don't focus on winning wars instead of winning faculty room debates on politics.

NOTE: Winter War of 2022 coverage continues here.