
Friday, December 20, 2024

The Logistics of Defending NATO

For all the talk of NATO "expanding" through the former Soviet satraps in their freed imperial holdings, NATO didn't emplace troops or the infrastructure and plans to actually move military power into or through the new NATO states. Russian aggression changed that.

Sh*t got real

Secret documents revealed Wednesday that Berlin has begun making plans for how it could help deploy as many as 800,000 NATO troops — including Americans — into Ukraine as Russia’s nuclear saber-rattling reaches new heights.

“Operation Deutschland” is a 1,000-page plan to prepare Germany for the possibility of a World War III scenario.

The top-secret papers reportedly detail specific buildings and infrastructure to protect so they can be utilized by the military, and how businesses and civilians should prepare in case of increased threats, according to the German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.

Putin claimed to fear the phantom military threat from NATO until he created it, perhaps finally believing his own BD. And invading Ukraine which would not submit in the fortnight he planned has bought NATO additional time. NATO has bought even more time by arming Ukraine to gut Russia's army and deplete its ammunition and equipment reserves.

Plans to move and sustain NATO troops to its eastern front are a warning to Putin that he has lost his window of opportunity to pounce on an unprepared NATO. Much has improved since Putin displayed his suicidal imperial ambitions in Europe:

[For] years after the Cold War, NATO expansion east was in name only. NATO did not add forces to new NATO members and NATO didn't build up the logistics infrastructure to sustain a defense of those new members, let alone to attack Russia from there. And NATO didn't even have war plans to defend new members. Russia changed all that with its serial aggression against Ukraine.

Really, you can't simultaneously argue that NATO provoked Russian aggression and that it is perfectly natural for Russia to want buffer territory in the west. Would Russia have attacked west if NATO never admitted former Soviet-controlled territory, or not?

Will Russia--with or without Putin--learn from this massive whack with the clue bat to face the real threat to Russia?

NOTE: TDR Winter War of 2022 coverage continues here.

NOTE: I'm adding updates on the Last Hamas War, including the revived Syria multi-war, in this post.

NOTE: You may also like to read my posts on Substack, at The Dignified Rant: Evolved. Go ahead and subscribe to it.

NOTE: I made the image with Bing.