
Thursday, May 31, 2007

Desert Won

Iran is holding at least five Americans hostage. Add in a couple American soldiers and five British citizens who may very well have been kidnapped for Iran by Iraqis loyal to Tehran.

Given that Ahmadinejad was a student involved in our embassy takeover at the start of the Iranian revolution some thirty years ago, I think it would go a long way to erase the stain of the defeat at Desert One if we could rescue the Americans now held in Iran.

This would be military action against Iran that only the most hardened Leftist could oppose (and that can't be any more than 20% of Congress, right?). It would demonstrate our strength and Tehran's weakness if we could pull it off, possibly encouraging revolt.

And maybe Iranian reaction would give us the excuse to tear apart their nuclear and security infrastructure.

I wonder if we could pull off a Desert Won? We still do want to defeat Iran, don't we? My confidence in my conviction on this score is wavering, I admit.

UPDATE: The Washington Post notices the hostage crisis.