
Saturday, September 14, 2024

Let There Be Light

Is a free North Korea the only way out of the lasting stalemate at the DMZ between an impoverished, cruel, and aggressive north and a free and prosperous South Korea on the other side?

South Korea has changed its annual remembrance of Korean liberation from Japanese colonial rule in 1945 from one that hopes for a unified Korea to one that specifies a vision for that unification:

Every year, on August 15, there is a public holiday in South Korea to commemorate the day the Korean peninsula was liberated from Japanese colonial rule. On this day, there is a longstanding tradition whereby South Korean presidents outline their vision for Korean unification – Korea has been divided between the North and South since 1945.

But the country’s current president, Yoon Suk Yeol, proposed a new approach this year. Rather than emphasizing “peaceful unification” with North Korea, as has been the focus of many previous presidents, Yoon’s vision places “freedom” at the heart of South Korea’s unification pursuit.

Fair is fair given that North Korea looms over South Korea promising violent unification under the north's Hellish version of despotic and cruel governance.

And since North Korea has lost the ability to march south it has focused on the ability to destroy Seoul with conventional and chemical bombardment, it seeks nuclear weapons.

Revolution in North Korea is the logical way out of that kind of stalemate that threatens to ignite the peninsula with nuclear weapons held by a paranoid thug. Taiwan has even more reason to follow that path.

Still, the initial article wraps up with this warning, however:

But provoking Kim’s regime may jeopardize lives by triggering a more repressive crackdown on people in North Korea.

Ah, yes. This handcuffs our policies by caring more about North Korean people than the regime does. It's national hostage-taking. That kind of compassion is false

And it's a variation of the resisting-thugs-just-makes-things-worse theory. Reject the "Let the Wookie win" policy.

NOTE: TDR Winter War of 2022 coverage continues here.

NOTE: I'm adding updates on the Last Hamas War in this post.

NOTE: I'm now on Substack, with The Dignified Rant: Evolved.