
Tuesday, August 30, 2022

I Can Hardly Wait For Even More Smart Diplomacy®

Iran insists that America decline to enforce the old nuclear deal in order to get a new nuclear deal. If you think the Iranians are insane, you haven't been paying attention. Biden will see nothing and so officially know nothing.

Iran issues an ultimatum:

Iran's president warned Monday that any roadmap to restore Tehran's tattered nuclear deal with world powers must see international inspectors end their probe on man-made uranium particles found at undeclared sites in the country.

Iran denies they have a nuclear weapons program. So Iran says pay no intention to those man-made uranium particles found at undeclared nuclear research sites--plural--inside Iran.

But surely, you say, America wouldn't fall for that. We know Iran is pursuing nukes. Israel provided the documents stolen from Iran. And ... uranium. At undisclosed sites in Iran. Neither of which Iran should have.

First, don't call me Shirley.

Second, Biden will do it because to get that awful 2015 nuclear deal that's exactly what Obama did.

So of course Iran's chief nutball wants the same sort of consideration. What is he? Chopped liver?

And desperate for something that can be spun as a victory long enough to get through the current election cycle before it falls apart in defeat and disaster, Biden will cave. And refusing to have strict verification is the means to prevent discovery of how bad the deal is until it is too late to do any good.

And let's not forget ignoring Iranian ballistic missile development to get the first deal.

I thought moving that inept moron who set the standard for failure, John Kerry, from State Department to wherever he's jetting around these days on taxpayer money would prevent such a farce. But no.

And don't say, as that initial article does, that Trump's withdrawal from the ill-conceived deal set the stage for rising tensions as if it is his fault. Why would Iran cause tensions over a deal that was a shield for Iran's nuclear weapons drive and a shield for stoking mayhem in the region?

The Biden administration has no intention of stopping Iran from doing anything. Their unrequited love is quite astounding. No doubt Kerry thanks God for Blinken every day.

Have a super sparkly day.

UPDATE: Gosh, I wonder why Biden won't talk to the Israelis?

America's greatest ally in the Middle East can't even get Joe Biden on the phone as the White House works — through Russia, lest we forget — to negotiate a massive payday for the Iranian regime and more normal relations between the tyrannical regime and the rest of the world.

Fancy that.