
Thursday, October 29, 2020

They're One Story Away From Defending Their Precious Bodily Fluids

Russians are under every bed these days, apparently, according to Democrats and their media allies:

No one should have any illusions about Vladimir Putin, whose authoritarian regime invades foreign countries and poisons critics. Russia has meddled in Western elections, including here in the United States in 2016 and, per a recent briefing from Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe, again in 2020. (Russia has obtained voter information.)

But the left’s overwhelming focus on Russia has taken on the trappings of a conspiracy theory with a comforting monocausal explanation for everything: Russia did it.


The Democratic Party's transformation is as amazing as it was sudden. Pity Democrats didn't have a fraction of that attitude during the Reagan era. 

It would be funny except that Democrats and their media allies do 99% of the work for Russia's pathetically small and ham-handed efforts to sow chaos in America. "Useful idiots" doesn't begin to describe them.  

What's next for their obsession?


Why Democrats haven't turned on Obama for his awareness of Russia's laughable 2016 election interference and refusal to do anything to stop the Russians beyond yelling "Halt! Or I'll yell 'halt' again" is beyond me.

But the fact is, Obama knew the Russian effort was ridiculously ineffective on its own and did not justify more than what he did. How was he to predict the sudden Democratic Party obsession with their precious social media fluids?

The Democrats with their sudden obsession really do play a large supporting role in preventing America from prying Russia from China's side. Although Putin has the starring role, of course.