
Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Nobody Expects the Warmish Inquisition!

A philosophy professor, Lawrence Torcello, gave away the game on putting Global Warming "Deniers" in prison:

An assistant philosophy professor at Rochester Institute of Technology wants to send people who disagree with him about global warming to jail.

Well, with that little outburst, now they've lost one of their chief weapons--surprise.

Although they still have their fanatical devotion to Michael Mann. (You could do a good spoof of this with Gore and Mann wearing little hockey sticks around their necks!)

I suppose I should be worried since I freely admit I am a "denier."

But there's no fear. Who could fear these pathetic weenies?

If they come after us, their Charge of the Heat Brigade will fail.

UPDATE: Related thoughts in an unrelated article:

Marx, who ripped off a lot of his shtick from the philosopher Hegel, popularized the idea that opposition to the inevitability of socialism was anti-intellectual and anti-scientific. The progression of history is scientifically knowable, quoth the Marxists, and so we need not listen to those who object to our program. Later, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, and others would use this reasoning to justify murdering millions of inconvenient people. It was a “God is on our side” argument, minus God.

Minus God, but add a Holy Model to justify the inevitability of global warming and justify dealing with harshly with those who stand in the way.