
Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Breaking the Army?

Fighting didn't break the Army. Is winding down the wars breaking it?

The U.S. Army's top commander in Europe says discipline among soldiers is a problem that if not addressed could become "cancerous."

He said it is a small percent, but that failure to punish offenses like drunken driving could spread lack of discipline.

I know that we have troops that are more leadership intensive to keep focused because we did take in troops during the surge period who would not have made it in before or after. But I thought the Army was more inclined to dump anyone causing problems--especially since the Army will shed end strength over the next several years.

If it is an issue. I suppose it could just be one general's version of "those darned kids running across his lawn." Or it could be related to the general notion that those soldiers who we need to win in a war are not good fits for a peacetime Army. Are we sliding ack into a military culture that values paperwork pushing and making no waves before we even exit the theaters we have been winning?

I don't know how to judge this. I'll watch for Strategypage's take on this issue.