
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Gone Native

"America's" envoy to the Islamic world thinks George W. Bush is at fault for our image in the Islamic world:

Q) Do you think it will be easy to overcome the hostility in the Islamic world towards certain US policies, especially in light of the actions taken under the previous US administration?

A) We are concerned about this but we are determined to move forward, without looking to the past and the negative effects of this, in order to erase the hostile feelings caused by the administration of former President George W. Bush. There is now a suitable opportunity to overcome the past, and open a new page in relations between the US and the people in the Islamic region.

Yeah, sacrificing American lives and treasure to liberate two Islamic countries--Iraq and Afghanistan--from oppressive and murderous dictatorships. What were we thinking?

I've written it before and I'll do it again: if Moslems are furious with us because we freed Iraq and Afghanistan from the thug rulers who ran those places, the problem isn't with our liberation of Iraqis and Afghans. The problem is the Moslem world that believes we did a terrible thing.

And then there's the problem of a so-called "American" envoy peddling this drivel.

I guess the envoy went native. That is, he reflects the Obama administration's views that Bush could do no right and that who could expect Moslems to approve of what Bush did? If we have to have an envoy to the Islamic world, couldn't we at least get someone with views more pro-American than you'd find with Iran's Deputy Undersecretary for Great Satan Affairs?

We did good deeds in freeing Iraq and Afghanistan. If the "Islamic world" thinks that was bad, they need to rethink their views.