
Friday, January 16, 2009

Even More Tales of the Newly Discovered Reality!

The exciting new series for 2009, Tales of the Newly Discovered Reality! (pilots here and here) has been picked up for the entire 2009-2012 season!

Newsweek -- Obama acolyte and scourge of everything Bush/Cheney -- has on the eve of the Democratic restoration miraculously discovered the arguments for warrantless wiretaps, enhanced interrogation and detention without trial. Indeed, Newsweek's neck-snapping cover declares, "Why Obama May Soon Find Virtue in Cheney's Vision of Power

Obama will be loath to throw away the tools that have kept the homeland safe. Just as he will be loath to jeopardize the remarkable turnaround in American fortunes in Iraq."

What was once a crime is now a valid tool. What was once cowboyish and un-American is now both hope and change! One can almost anticipate the thrill up reporters' legs when it is discovered that dissent really isn't the highest form of patriotism--and Jefferson never said that!

Yes indeed, President Bush leaves office with his head held high for doing his job (this link will do) in the face of rabid and insane denunciations from the newly silent minions who would surely nominate Obama for a Nobel Peace Prize for nuking Tehran. For you see, much of the hope we will have in the next four years will come from a lack of change from Bush's policies:

He leaves behind the sinews of war, for the creation of which he has been so vilified but which will serve his successor -- and his country -- well over the coming years. The very continuation by Democrats of Bush's policies will be grudging, if silent, acknowledgment of how much he got right.

Amazingly, with the Age of Hope and Change still days ahead of us, already we find that rather than shredding the constitution with "domestic" wiretapping, President Bush legally eavesdropped on overseas calls that went to suspected or known terrorists!

A special federal appeals court yesterday released a rare declassified opinion that backed the government's authority to intercept international phone conversations and e-mails from U.S. soil without a judicial warrant, even those involving Americans, if a significant purpose is to collect foreign intelligence.

Constitutional issue resolved! Whew. Not a moment too soon! You can almost feel the relief coming from Newsweek that they won't have to condemn Obama for doing what Bush has done on this issue. Hope and No Change! See the Weekly Standard for more on this travesty of a non-issue that is finally a non-issue. Maybe now it will be OK to revile the New York Times for revealing a tool that President Obama will use! Yes we can!

Just wait. One good 9/11 replay on our soil, and our Justice Department will prepare a memo for President Obama that justifies fingernail pulling to extract information. And Daily Kos will cheer them on. Only Code Pink will remain pure in their Marzist views to oppose the Obama regime.

All this and more! Because anything is possible in exciting Tales of the Newly Discovered Reality.

See it on Fox, 24/7, beginning January 20th!