
Monday, December 15, 2008

Cruel Britannia

Zimbabwe is a despotic Hell hole with plenty of crises that the government has inflicted on its people. You'd think foreigners wouldn't see any need to further push this teetering pile of misery over.

You'd be wrong:

“Cholera is a calculated, racist attack on Zimbabwe by the unrepentant former colonial power, which has enlisted support from its American and Western allies so that they can invade the country,” Information Minister Sikhanyiso Ndlovu told a news conference.

That's right, Britain is alleged to be bothering to make a country just above zero go all the way to zero. But the Zimbabwe Information Minister said so!

Whoa. Zimbabwe has an information minister? A health minister they need. Or an agriculture minister. But an information minister?

Really, though, any country that has an information minister must be a despotism. So often their job descriptions are spreading disinformation and suppressing information.

But none of the other African states will do anything about Zimbabwe. Professional courtesy, don't you know.