
Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Politics as Calvinball

How are we to have rational discussions when Democrats play Calvinball with the meaning of words? 

Legislation is bipartisan even if no Republican votes for it. Speech the left doesn't like is violence. Violence in service of the left is speech. There is no such thing as an "illegal alien." Court packing is "unpacking"--whatever the Hell that means. 

Infrastructure means everything the government can spend money on. Riots and looting are mostly peaceful protest. Desegregation is racist and segregation empowers minorities. Kids in "cages" are war crimes but kids in "facilities" are compassion. 

Microaggressions are real and proof white people are a cancer on America--which is systemically racist even though the most allegedly racist institutions under leftist attack are controlled by Democrats. There is no migrant "crisis" on the southern border. Hating Black people is horrible but hating white people is woke virtue. 

Some minorities are minorities only if a victim of a white person but are considered white if they commit crimes. Asians are white-adjacent if successful. Men are women, and vice versa. If you aren't a leftist, you're a Nazi. Or maybe a white supremacist. 

Knife fights are as much a part of a kid's life as playing video games or hide and seek.

Invented pronouns are a subject for moral fervor. 

This is where we are at. It's madness. 

How is it possible to have rational discussions with people who hold such nonsense to be true? Why are words no longer relatively fixed? 

Hell, why can't all of us be proud of our country and what we have built here as the foundation of our debates over policies?