
Thursday, December 24, 2020

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas! I think I'll take tomorrow off blogging. I don't know if I've done that. 

Quite possibly that could have happened in 2002 when I first started blogging. Or maybe I've done this a lot over the years and just don't remember. I know I've blogged on things I forgot I blogged on earlier, and found my reasoning and conclusion were virtually identical.

I hope you are celebrating as well as you can under the circumstances. The joy of the season should be embraced in difficult times as best you can to salvage good from the bad. I put up my decorations and lights the day after Thanksgiving as God and tradition demand.

Nor will the pandemic stop my new Die Hard Christmas tradition.

This year it will be a virtual celebration.

I also did not let the Xi Jinping Flu pandemic drag me down and fail to send out Christmas cards this year, figuring that day drinking is an acceptable coping mechanism.

Opposable thumbs and mindless adherence to tradition are what separate us from the beasts, after all.

And if your work place doesn't allow you to cite even a heavily secularized Christian holiday, wish people a Merry C.H.R.I.S.T.M.A.S. instead.

We will get through this. I've adapted to the pandemic screwing up monthly game night. I had hoped against hope that it wouldn't last this long, but we persist. After it is over it will be back and expanded with a retro spinoff.

By all means, let your little ones track Santa via the NORAD site.