
Wednesday, October 28, 2020

A Moronic French Kiss

American influence in the Middle East and North Africa is just fine. But I welcome French interest.

This is--and forgive my use of a highly technical term--moronic

It is now clear that France is seeking to fill the void created by the gradual demise of America’s influence in the Middle East and North Africa.

One, France has traditionally had influence in North Africa and the eastern Mediterranean Sea because of relations with former French colonies.

As for the idea that America's influence in the Middle East is dying? Really? 

Arab states are making peace with Israel and lining up to oppose Iran, with Iraq finally working harder to resist Iran. That's the result of gradual demise of American influence in the region? Is Israel alienated? Saudi Arabia? Both have closer relations with America than in the recent past.

Sure, Iran and Turkey aren't bright spots, but that's on them for embracing Islamism of the Shia and Sunni variety, respectively.

Some people seem to have oddly tied American influence to the presence of 100,000 plus American ground troops even though that was an anomaly after 9/11 and American troop presence is getting down to a lower level of normal

And given that Turkey is a NATO country, how is French interest in opposing Turkey in the Mediterranean Sea reflective of anybody's influence in the Middle East? 

I'm sorry, I couldn't continue reading the love letter to France article after that first sentence. Maybe it got better. I'll never know.