
Tuesday, September 24, 2019


So China will falter despite Trump?

Is China's communist party going to face a crisis that destroys its hold on power?

While there is technically no time limit on dictatorship, the CPC is approaching the longevity frontier for one-party regimes.

The timelines of comparison includes the Chinese Communist Party's CCP, or CPC as that author uses) tenure as an insurgency rather than as the governing organization of the comparison states.

So if 70+ years is the danger point, that indicates the CCP could have 20-30 years of life left in it, no?

I don't know about the prediction. But I find this amusing:

With its superior military capabilities, technology, economic efficiency, and alliance networks (which remain robust, despite President Donald Trump’s destructive leadership), the US is far more likely to prevail in the Sino-American cold war than China. [emphasis added]"

Not that victory wouldn't harm America perhaps too seriously, too, he says. Although why it (as opposed to a Hot War) would be worse than the Cold War with the USSR that left us as the lone superpower after the West's victory is not explained.

But if our alliances are robust under Trump, perhaps the author wants to reconsider the "despite" part. Especially considering his predecessor, Obama.

This author pretty much ascribes to the quote above after the "despite", but still writes:

But neither [Trump's "alienating allies and total abdication of America’s moral standing"] should obscure the poisoned chalice he was ceded by his predecessor, whose disastrous legacy grows more and more palpable by the day.

Maybe Trump has harmed our diplomacy. His style is not my cup of tea, to be sure.

But how "robust" was our alliance structure in our "enemy-centric" policy under Obama that tried to appease foes into friends, as that second author writes?

A similar range [to our "reset" policy to appease Russia] of “enemy-centric” policies, to use the tart phrase of former Czech foreign and defence minister Sasha Vondra, were implemented in practically every region of the world.

And Trump's success in keeping allies in the fight "despite" his ham-fisted bluster even after Obama's disaster is the way to look at Trump?

A number of people keep saying that it is inconceivable that Trump isn't wrecking our foreign policy.

I don't think Trump is playing 3D chess. But I don't see the horrible effects of his bluster.

UPDATE: Inconceivably, America and Singapore renewed until 2035 the agreement that allows America's military to use Singapore port and airfield facilities.