
Wednesday, July 18, 2018

A Friend With a Benefit?

If America can negotiate a good nuclear deal with North Korea, Iran will suffer a major setback in their nuclear program and regional efforts to expand their influence:

As part of North Korea’s denuclearization, the U.S. will insist on implementing the Cooperative Threat Reduction (CTR) program in conjunction with monitoring by the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs. CTR was the way to prevent “loose nukes” – preventing the “proliferation of WMD [Weapon of Mass Destruction] and related materials, technologies and expertise from former Soviet Union states.”

The U.S. will demand to know the extent of North Korea’s cooperation with Iran (and Syria and Pakistan, for that matter). The information won’t come cheap, but it will allow the U.S. and its partners to identify new key weapons development officials and facilities, and to attack the transport networks and financial systems that support Iran’s WMD program. And those same networks probably support Iran’s program of terror and subversion, most of it directed against Iran’s neighbors, so political and security progress in Asia may pay dividends in the Middle East.

I've noted that any deal with North Korea must include North Korea spilling their guts about their relationship with Iran (and Iran's minion Syria, if you will recall the secret nuclear reactor North Korea was building in Syria before Israel bombed it).

I don't know if we can get a good deal with North Korea. But if we can, we inflict a lot of damage on Iran's mullah regime, too.