
Saturday, December 31, 2016

The Plasma Donation Center Bowl Game

God God, stop the college football bowl game proliferation before it is too late!

College football bowl season is upon us. Michigan lost a close one to Florida State that was a nail biter that began with despair yet gathered traction as Michigan clawed back and took the lead late in the game--for a bit. So I may be down on the whole thing, but haven't we gotten way too carried away with bowl game proliferation?

I joked with my son, Mister, that given that there are more bowl games than willing sponsors, could we see the Plasma Donation Center Bowl Game soon?

Despite being a college football fanatic who has a seemingly endless appetite for watching teams he normally cares nothing about if they appear in a bowl game, he laughed.

Ah youth and the knowledge that he isn't paying for his college. Smart lad.

But then I noticed that there is a Motel 6 Bowl. As I commented to me son, that's the motel where people who sell their plasma at plasma donation centers stay.

We're one step away.

UPDATE: I wouldn't have thought that liberals ruined bowl games, but I guess I'll keep an open mind about the whole thing. There are too many, regardless of why. And yeah, I'd go back to the polls to determine the national champion.

The polls gave us the best of both worlds, an AP poll of select sports writers for the national vote; and a coaches poll for the electoral college winner. Or maybe reverse that. Either way, it continued the arguments.

Which isn't a horrible thing given that this is a college sport issue, eh?