
Tuesday, September 08, 2015

Between Homicidal and Suicidal

Stratfor has an interesting article about how Hitler wrecked the European desire to fight for conquests. Sadly, did Hitler kill the desire to fight for anything?

This is interesting:

After the war, Europe faced the task of rebuilding buildings. The ambition to rule had been exhausted. However flawed or wicked that ambition might have been, there is still something sad in the loss of all ambition, beyond the desire for comfort. The will to dominate, seen in its most extreme form in Hitler's appetites, chills the blood. The loss of any transcendent ambition merely cools it. Europe has lost its recklessness, which is on the whole good. Yet it has gained an excessive caution that makes it difficult for Europe to make up its mind over matters small and large.

Which is related to my question recently about what could inspire Europeans to defend what they have?

I don't think that Europe is permanently defanged of their will to survive.

Although the state of the armed forces of Germany--the strongest state in Western Europe--is not evidence in support of my confidence.

I do wonder if we can hold the line for the rest of the European West until the rest manage to make up its mind to dominate and defend their own continent and society.