
Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Next Administration on Jerusalem

John Kerry will do what it takes to get a Nobel Peace prize for signing a nuclear deal with Iran.

This is disheartening:

The United States and Iran are shaping the contours of a deal that would initially freeze Tehran's nuclear program but would allow it to slowly ramp up activities that could be used to make nuclear arms over the last years of the agreement's duration. ...

The idea would be to reward Iran for good behavior over the last years of any agreement, by gradually lifting constraints on its uranium enrichment program imposed as part of a deal that would also would slowly ease sanctions on the Islamic Republic.

I would love to see the definition of "good behavior" in the secret annex of the "phased" deal.

I've long feared that the basic outline of our future deal with Iran is painfully clear: they will pretend not to have a nuclear program; and we will pretend to believe them.

That, however, lacked the nuance of our State Department.

Iran will pretend not to have a nuclear program; we will pretend to believe them; and then we will pretend that lifting constraints on their enrichment program is justified.

And everyone involved on our side will pretend that when Iran goes nuclear during the next American administration that it is all that administration's fault.

Have a super phased sparkly day.