
Thursday, February 26, 2015

An Election Must Be Approaching

Nigeria has clawed back some ground from Boko Haram jihadis in the north. Don't hang out the "mission accomplished" banner yet.

Boko Haram has suffered some defeats:

Nigeria's President Goodluck Jonathan on Tuesday said the military was gaining the upper hand against Boko Haram, despite two bombings in the country's north that killed at least 27.

"The President assures all Nigerians, and the people of the northeastern states in particular, that the days of mourning victims of incessant terrorist attacks in the country will soon be over as the tide has now definitely turned against Boko Haram," his office said in an emailed statement.

The city of Baga was retaken from Boko Haram; and forces of Chad, Cameroon, and Niger have helped go after the jihadis.

Of course, delayed elections now coming up in about a month might have something to do with the president's assurance.

But at least President Jonathan didn't say Boko Haram is just the jayvee team.