
Monday, May 12, 2014


So ... the Bush policy of preemption to defeat military and terrorist threats to us from Iraq before we or our allies were attacked (again) was wrong, but the Putin policy of preempting an example of freedom and prosperity in Ukraine before it can infect Russia is "defensive."

Got it. Now explain to me again how sheep's bladders may be employed to prevent earthquakes.

Look, I understand the point the author is making. But using the word "defensive" implies that someone is attacking Russia and that Putin's actions in Ukraine are somehow justified. The article could have been greatly improved by using a different word, I think.

And okay, I'm assuming Diehl stands against the old Bush policy.

UPDATE: Oh. And speaking of Putin's "defensive" worry about democracy undermining his autocracy is just a step from saying that because the western borders of Russia lack natural geographic defensive points, it is really just "defensive" for Russia to push their boundaries as far west as possible across that flat territory to create a buffer zone against invasion. We should not accept Russia's definition of what "defensive" means.