
Sunday, March 31, 2013

Affordable Firearms Act, Anyone?

Words have meaning. But not whatever arbitrary meaning is convenient at the moment.

So if having health care insurance is now a "right" that the government must pay for; and some gun control advocates are saying that gun owners--who actually have a constitutional right to own guns--should have to buy "insurance" before owning guns (in a transparent effort to reduce gun ownership); why doesn't the government pay for gun-ownership insurance to make sure everyone has access to this right to bear arms?

For that matter, why doesn't the government fine everyone who doesn't own a gun and actually pay for everyone who can't afford to buy one to have some type of firearm with legally mandated minimum requirements for features of that weapon?

We could call it ObamaCarbine.

I mean, if it is a right, and not everyone exercises that right for one reason or another, this is what we should do, right?

But our government doesn't understand what "insurance" is. Or "semi-automatic," it is clear. I suspect they have a flimsy grasp of what "rights" are, too. I think some of them need lectures on the assumption that they have a sixth grade level of understanding.