
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

That Was Over Fast

Things really are sped up in the modern world. Has China peaked and already gone into the decadence of decline?

The Chinese defense minister dismisses the concerns over China's rising military power:

The United States, Japan and many other Southeast Asian states have frequently expressed worries about China's double-digit defense spending increases and expanding naval reach, saying Beijing's plans lack transparency.

"There is absolutely no need for that," Liang told Reuters, when asked about neighbors' concerns.

"The Chinese military must develop, but there's no 'worry' or 'fear' as the outside world says," he said before a meeting with visiting U.S. Navy Secretary Ray Mabus. "That's not what China is about."

Well, then, never mind. China is rising in power but they won't use it in any way that could cause anyone to worry. We can all look forward to a Red Chinese century of managing the world after they pass America by, just as we surpassed Britain.

Oh, but wait. Before China can enjoy a century of knocking the lesser states about and lording it over the rest of us, they've gone right to sadly humorous mockery:

A 5-year-old sex tape of an 18-year-old woman allegedly hired by developers to sleep with a city official is causing yet another scandal for China's ruling Communists in the city formerly led by fallen politician Bo Xilai.

The 50-something official, Lei Zhengfu, was fired from his position as district party secretary after the video, an apparent extortion attempt, went viral earlier this month and his jowly, pop-eyed mug became the butt of numerous Internet caricatures. But the scandal may still be growing, as a whistleblowing former journalist says he may release similar tapes of more city officials soon.

Dang. That's gonna leave a mark. The Communist party is supposed to be political and not something like this.

Pity the budding superpower that comes of age when everyone has video cameras on their phones and Internet access. China hasn't had the chance to use their growing power to build some fear and respect in order to at least coast on their reputation for a while and earn the grudging acceptance of their dominance. Instead, Lei "The Situation" Zhengfu is caught with Snooki. Who fears that? Who wants to even see that?

It's funny. The Chinese spent a lot of effort building their Great Firewall of China to keep the Western Internet out of China, and the Chinese people found that with just the local material provided by over a billion Chinese and their rulers, they could get along just fine with all the scandal and humor they can digest.

I'm guessing the Spanish Inquisition would have come to nought if they'd had Facebook, Blogger, and Twitter. The Thin Red Line and the Royal Navy wouldn't have held the British Empire if some socialite tart had chatted up Admiral Nelson for all the world to see.

I hope China enjoyed their reign. 2009 was a very good year for them, all in all.

Really, political entities that have tried to pass us by haven't fared so well. The Soviet Union? Kaput. The Japanese? Really, that was supposed to happen. The European Union? Stop laughing! And now, China shoots itself in the foot. Being number two in the world to our number one is starting to look like being assigned to be a Red Shirt security team member.

Oh well. Next!