
Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Forward, It Is. But Forward to What?

If President Obama is still angry with the mess he inherited in 2009, how mad is he going to be today with what he inherited from the last four years?

And that's the sum total of my bitter complaints over the election result.

I figured the election day range was going to be anything from a narrow Obama win to a substantial Romney win.

When the eastern time zone states that should have been in the balance longer into the night were called early for Obama, I ruled out the substantial Romney win scenario that I thought we'd see.

When the eastern time zone states Romney had to win for a narrow Romney win scenario were not called for Romney longer and longer, I began to worry about the narrow Romney win possibility.

When Ohio was called for the president, I turned off the TV and went to bed. Game over.

The war goes on. We don't have the luxury of being depressed. May our president fight the war like it matters whether we win or lose.

UPDATE: Barone (tip to Instapundit) has an interesting analysis with this conclusion:

A nation dissatisfied with the results of a Democratic president, Democratic Senate and Republican House has decided to return a Democratic president, Democratic Senate and Republican House. Lots to learn for all of us.

Interesting times, indeed.

UPDATE: On the bright side, media reporting might get better.