
Saturday, November 24, 2012

Bigger, Longer, and Uncut

Mark Steyn at his best makes you laugh even though what he writes will later make you cry in despair and pound you desk in anger and frustration. Steyn is at his best, here. I'll give you just the first line:

Let us turn from the post-Thanksgiving scenes of inflamed mobs clubbing each other to the ground for a discounted television set to the comparatively placid boulevards of the Middle East.

We count on our leaders to handle Black Every Day over there where hate-filled jihadists actively plot to kill us 24/7 in ever more gruesome ways and with bigger body counts, but our leaders seem to have forgotten we are at war despite more than a decade of fighting the jihadis.

Which makes sense, since our president doesn't seem to really believe we are at war with anything but Republicans with dog-whistle hate terminology.

To paraphrase The New York Times, Big Screw Ups Require Big Government.