
Monday, October 29, 2012

Hang Together

Naturally, China would prefer to divide ASEAN nations and conquer the South China Sea.

The Chinese won't talk with ASEAN for a common procedure to peacefully settle South China Sea disputes:

"ASEAN thinks it is time to start talks to achieve a code of conduct as soon possible," said Pham, referring to the 10-nation Association of Southeast Asian Nations bloc, but added the grouping is meeting stoic resistance from China.

China has resisted proposals for a multilateral code of conduct for the South China Sea, preferring to try to negotiate disputes with each of the far less powerful individual claimants.

One theory is that the Chinese don't want to talk until the change in leadership maneuver is completed. But when that is completed, I think China will show it has no interest in doing anything but exploiting differences to isolate and overpower individual ASEAN states.

So China can hang the ASEAN states separately.

Hopefully, no ASEAN state is tempted to cut a deal at the expense of their neighbors in the mistaken belief that China will provide a softer and more comfortable noose just for them.