
Saturday, December 31, 2011

Putting on a Show

Syrians are doing their best to make sure Arab League monitors have no reason to leave Syria with the impression that Syrians love their Boy Assad and only al Qaeda malcontents are spoiling the party:

In the largest protests Syria has seen in months, hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets Friday in a display of defiance to show an Arab League observer mission the strength of the opposition movement.

Syrian troops still kill protesters despite their efforts to put on a show of no killing protesters. And the armed opposition promises not to launch attacks while the monitors are on their mission.

With a Sudanese delegate leading the Arab League mission (Khaddafi being unavailable), Syrian dissidents are right to wonder about what the purpose of the Arab League really is.

Syria continues to buy time. I have no idea if they are buying time with anything particular in mind or just buying the only thing they can get in the hope that something happens to crack the opposition.