
Thursday, December 08, 2011

No Fear of a Drone

When I heard that Iran had one of our stealth drones, I wanted our forces to bomb the craft to keep it from being paraded and exploited--and then sold to the Chinese or Russians.

But no, we let the Iranians keep their trophy. We did nothing. And explained that we didn't want it to look like we were at war with Iran:

"No one warmed up to the option of recovering it or destroying it because of the potential it could become a larger incident," a US official told The Wall Street Journal. An assault team entering the country "could be accused of an act of war" by the Iranian government, the official said.

Heaven forbid. Iran's war on us is responsible for the death of over a thousand of our soldiers in Iraq, alone, but we wouldn't want them to think we are at war with them.

Yet at the same time our President says that all options are on the table in order to stop Iran from going nuclear:

"No options off the table means I'm considering all options."

Please. All options weren't on the table to keep our most advanced technology out of Iran's hands. Who in Iran will believe we'll stop them from holding nuclear weapons?


Iran will forge ahead to nuclear weapons, confident that we won't do a damn thing but stage covert raids to make it look like we are trying to stop Iran. Indeed, Iran may press their luck and push in the Middle East even before they have nukes to shield them (if they don't plan to just use them, of course). I mean, hey, when the powerful United States trembles before Iran, how can the mullahs conclude anything other than that God is on their side?

Iran has been given no reason to fear America in the era of hope and change.

Have a nice day.

Hell, enjoy them all! Why not? One day we'll wake up to the news that Iran is truly waging war on us with weapons they hope can crush us, and even our current president will have to respond with war. Until then, hope, change, and be merry!