
Monday, July 18, 2011

Encouraging Them to Be Self Sufficent?

Taiwanese are here to urge the Obama administration to sell them needed late-model F-16 fighter planes:

Washington has yet to announce whether it plans to supply the C/Ds, a move that would especially anger mainland China, which opposes all arms sales to Taiwan and regards the democratically governed island as part of its territory. ...

Speculation is growing that the Obama administration, which has sought to improve relations with Beijing, would agree only to the upgrades.

Yang, a former adviser to Taiwan's National Security Council, dismissed as guesswork reports that Vice-President Joe Biden would inform Beijing during a visit next month that the U.S. would not supply the F-16 C/Ds that Taiwan seeks.

This should be a lesson to Taiwan that relying on American support is dangerous. Of course, Taiwan used to buy from the French and others to keep weapons flowing. But we are the last standing. And if we are unreliable, Taiwan would be wise to be able to build their own advanced fighters.

And if they can't do that, nuclear missiles will do in a pinch to make up for conventional deterrence failure.

I mean, we must be intending this result, right? That is a logical response to our failure to supply Taiwan with conventional weapons sufficient to deter China. Surely our "smart" diplomacy understands that basic fact.

Still, another logical result is that Taiwan might be forced out of military weakness to cut a deal with China sacrificing liberty for safety from attack.

Surely, we don't intend that outcome, right?