
Monday, June 27, 2011


You have to love the international community.

Having condemned the Libyan government, it fails to deploy sufficient force to decisively defeat the Khaddafi regime.

And it seemingly rules out negotiations by ordering the arrest of Khaddafi and two key henchmen:

International judges ordered the arrest of Moammar Gadhafi on Monday for murdering Libyan civilians who rose up against him, as NATO warplanes pounded his Tripoli compound and world leaders stepped up calls for the Libyan leader to resign.

The International Criminal Court said Gadhafi, his son Seif al-Islam Gadhafi and his intelligence chief Abdullah al-Sanoussi are wanted for orchestrating the killing, injuring, arrest and imprisonment of hundreds of civilians during the first 12 days of an uprising to topple Gadhafi from power, and for trying to cover up their alleged crimes.

This will work out just swell, I'm sure.