
Monday, March 21, 2011

It's a Reset All Over!

Putin has thoughts on the Libya operation:

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said on Monday a U.N. resolution authorizing military action in Libya resembled "mediaeval calls for crusades" after Western forces launched a second wave of air strikes.

That's nice. Just trying to score cheap points with the Moslem street by appealing to their worst impulses. Jerk.

He could have vetoed the resolution. He didn't. Welcome to the crusade, Putin.

UPDATE: Interesting:

Apparently, many in the Arab League thought the UN would never get China and Russia to stand aside and allow a resolution authorizing force against Kaddafi.

It may be that Putin is trying to reset relations with those Arab League autocrats who feel screwed by Purin's failure to veto the resolution. I was surprised that the Arab League voted to request a no-fly zone. Apparently, they thought it was a cheap way to look good to their own restive street but thought Russia or China would save them from their vote.

UPDATE: And Russia calls for a ceasefire in Libya (which would preserve the Khaddafi regime):

Russia wants to see an immediate ceasefire in Libya and the start of political negotiations, Defence Minister Anatoly Serdyukov has told visiting US Defence Secretary Robert Gates, my colleagues in Moscow report.

Reset! And the joys of the vast international coalition backing this mission!