
Monday, February 14, 2011

Marketing Fail

Some company with an Australian email suffix sent me an email with this interesting offer:

We have been reading the articles on your website and are very impressed with the quality of your information.

We have a team of copywriters who specialize in writing articles on various topics and would like to write an original article for you to use on your website – this article will not be used anywhere else on the Internet.

Sooo.... They are impressed with my posts yet think I don't write well enough to do it on my own, so they'll do it for me?

Take a hike. I'm no bludger, you yobbos.

And I get this on Valentine's Day, yet! Feel the love.

UPDATE: WTF? Now an Indian company?

I was surfing net and gone through your website and realized that despite having good graphics and designs; the website has not been ranked in all the major search engines.

We are entitled to provide the quality Search Engine Optimization services at very affordable rates. Our team works in aggressive timeframe to reach the positive result.

Not to slam Blogger since I'm happy with them (other than that annoying glitch that turns scheduled posts nto drafts every once in a while--oh, and the inability of the search feature when logged in to search posts more than a few years old, it seems), but is it really possible to say I have good graphics and design? It's pretty basic--and I'm happy with it--but I'm not deluded that I have bells and whistles up the yazoo here.

Is it Exploit American Bloggers Week and nobody told me about it?

Still, professionals tell me I have quality information, graphics, and design! Woo hoo!