
Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Khaddafi Awakening

As he promised, Libya's government is arming citizens in Tripoli to fight rebels who might take to the streets to challenge the government:

The embattled regime of Moammar Gadhafi is arming civilian supporters to set up checkpoints and roving patrols around the Libyan capital to control movement and quash dissent, residents said Saturday.

The reports came a day after protesters demanding Gadhafi's ouster came under a hail of bullets when pro-regime militiamen opened fire to stop the first significant anti-government marches in days in the Libyan capital.

These newly minted local militia is being well paid, apparently:

A 40-year-old business owner said he had seen Gadhafi supporters enter one of the regime's Revolutionary Committee headquarters Saturday and leave with arms.

He said the regime is offering a car and money to any supporters bringing three people with them to join the effort.

If this can keep the opponents of the government off the streets, it may allow the Libyan government to scape up mobile forces to counter-attack.