
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Bravely Bold Badger 14

Those Madison protesters sure like their hippie music.

May I suggest a song?

Bravely bold Badger 14
Rode forth from Madison.
They were not afraid to hide,
Oh brave Badger 14.
They were not at all afraid
Brave, brave, brave, Badger 14.

They were not in the least bit scared
To be mashed into a pulp.
Or to have their eyes gouged out,
And their elbows broken.
To have their kneecaps split
And their bodies burned away,
And their limbs all hacked and mangled
Brave Badger 14.

Their heads smashed in
And their hearts cut out
And their livers removed
And their bowels unplugged
And their nostrils raped
And their bottoms burnt off
And their pen--

"That's... that's enough music for now lads."
Brave Badger 14 ran away.
Bravely ran away away.
("We didn't!")
When Walker reared his ugly head,
They bravely turned their tails and fled.
Yes, Badger 14 turned about
("We didn't!")
And gallantly they chickened out.
("We never did!")
Bravely taking to their feet,
They beat a very brave retreat.
("all lies!")
Bravest of the braaaave, Badger 14!
("We never!")

Go ahead, learn to sing along!

Oh, and for the dense, I'd like to make it clear that this is satirical and in no way meant to imply that I think anybody should rape the nostrils of the Badger 14 or do anything else the minstrels sing about. It may not be good satire, but it is satire.