
Monday, November 01, 2010

Remember the Monroe Doctrine

I long hoped that we could contain Hugo Chavez as a minor, albeit highly annoying, problem--a mere Axis of El Vil level problem in a world of tier one problems like fighting wars and dealing with North Korea and Iran who might go nuclear.

But Venezuela under Chavez has made the leap to the Axis of Evil with his alliance with Iran.

At the very least, one terror-sponsoring regime gets the help of another terror-sponsoring regime. Venezuela, already broke, is buying far more advanced weapons than they need. Will these weapons reach Iran (with a hefty fee to Chavez for his efforts), thus getting around the arms embargo on Iran?

Either the mullahs have to go or Chavez has to lose power. Anything else could lead to a Venezuelan Missile Crisis should Iran fail to master ICBM technology before they get atomic warheads, and place in Venezuala nuclear-tipped missiles with sufficient range to reach America.