
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Fight and Win

With a few high profile Taliban attacks inspiring the Panicistas to cry doom and even our top general in Afghanistan worried about how long it is taking to show progress, it seems it is time to once again remind people that we are not losing and that the task is not insurmountable.

One aspect to keep in mind is that the critical areas in the fight are really fairly narrow, as Strategypage reminds us:

Still, over 70 percent of the action is still in two southern provinces (Helmand and Kandahar).

We have enough troops to win. And I believed that before our second surge taking place this year. Also keep in mind that the Pakistanis seem to be stepping up to work their side of the border.

We'll win this if we don't get overly worried over every little thing. If you want us to lose the war, just say so. Don't pretend that you have deep knowledge of our inevitable doom and that you are just trying to spare us the pain of refusing to admit defeat.