
Monday, March 29, 2010


My sympathies go out to the Russian people:

Terror returned to the heart of Russia, with two deadly suicide bombings on the Moscow subway at rush hour, including an attack at the station beneath the headquarters of the secret police.

At least 38 people were killed and more than 60 wounded in Monday morning's blasts, the first such attacks in Moscow in six years.

I often get the impression that the Russian leaders think that jihadi thinking is useful because we are the primary combatant in fighting the jihadis.
Of course, for those who like to say we provoke jihadi anger by "occupying" Moslem people in Iraq, Moscow's problems with Chechens who the Russians actually do occupy is a big contrast to our assistance to a free people defending themselves from Sunni jihadis these days.
But the Russian people still deserve our sympathy when they are hit in such a barbaric manner.