
Saturday, December 22, 2007

Warning!! Vague Nonspecific Threats are Imminent!

Yet another academic claims Iraq distracts us from ... something.

I'd quote the article but it would be pointless. Nothing specific is even hinted at. But there are a lot of them, no doubt! Eleven to be specific. And our foes are downright "gleefully" taking advantage of our pursuit of victory in Iraq!

Really, this is just the mirror image of the past constant refrain of the anti-war side that Iraq distracts us from using our military elsewhere. So we needed to get out of the losing war in Iraq immediately to prepare our military for ... something nonspecific but clearly dangerous!

As if these people would use our military anywhere but New Orleans!

Still, at least the author had to conclude that we are winning in Iraq. But he is going to the fallback position that the cost of winning will be too much. So now vague nonspecific bad things are happening while we focus on stabilizing Iraq. Eleven vague nonspecific bad things.

As if our large government doesn't have plenty of civilian staff to focus on their own areas of expertise even as we focus on victory in Iraq. As if the Navy and Air Force aren't looking around. As if even parts of the Army and Marines aren't scanning the globe.

I can only conclude that tenure rots the brain. Or perhaps a sense of perspective.

What an idiot.